Oke dalam pembahasan kali ini, EASY ENGLISH LEARNING akan share tentang bagaimana membentuk sebeuah kalimat verbal dan kalimat nominal. Nah sebelum itu mari kita kenalin dulu apa sih kalimat nominal dan kalimat verbal itu??

 Kalimat Nominal dan Verbal

Nah kalo kalimat VERBAL ini merupakan sebuah kalimat yang menunjukan adanya sebuah kegiatan atau yang dilakukan oleh subjek atau pelaku. Sesuai dengan namanya, ciri dari kalimat verbal ini memiliki VERB atau KATA KERJA untuk menunjukan adanya kegiatan atau aktifitasnya.

Nah dalam pembentukan kalimatnya pun Kalimat Verbal ini sangat tergantung pada TENSES.
Oke, untuk permulaan kita pakai kalimat Verbal dalam bentuk Tenses Simple Present.

Formulanya (Rumus): [S+V+O]

He rides a bicycle
We speak English
I bring a book
John writes a novel

Nah dari contoh diatas, semua kalimat itu memakai Verb atau predikat dalam kalimatnya.



Bahasa yang kuat memiliki fondasi yang kokoh, sedang fondasi yang kokoh harus memiliki dasar yang kuat. Salah satu dasar yang wajib dikuasai dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris ialah memiliki banyak perbendaharaan kata Bahasa Inggris, sehingga Learner bisa berkomunikasi dengan baik dan efektif.

Pada postingan kali ini, saya ingin mengajak EASY ENGLISH LEARNER untuk memperbanyak kosa-kata Bahasa Inggrisnya dengan Perbendaharaan Kosa-Kata dasar terlebih dahulu. Oke, Let's Check It Out!

Family Tree

Immediate family = Keluarga dekat

Atomic family = Keluarga inti

Extended family = Keluarga besar

Mother = Ibu

Father = Ayah

Sister = Kakak perempuan

Brother = Kakak Laki

Daughter = Anak permpuan

Son = Anak laki-laki

Grandmother = Nenek

Grandfather = Kakek

Aunt = Bibi

Uncle = Paman

Niece = Kemenakan perempuan

Nephew = Kemenakan laki-laki

Cousin = Sepupu

Mother-in-law = Ibu mertua

Father-in-law = Bapak mertua

Sister-in-law = Kakak ipar perempuan

Brother-in-law = Kakak ipar laki-laki

Great grandparents = Buyut


Oscar Wilde 

Oscar Wilde

As often-times the too resplendent sun
Hurries the pallid and reluctant moon
Back to her sombre cave, ere she hath won
A single ballad from the nightingale,
So doth thy Beauty make my lips to fail,
And all my sweetest singing out of tune.
And as at dawn across the level mead
On wings impetuous some wind will come,
And with its too harsh kisses break the reed
Which was its only instrument of song,
So my too stormy passions work me wrong,
And for excess of Love my Love is dumb.
But surely unto Thee mine eyes did show
Why I am silent, and my lute unstrung;
Else it were better we should part, and go,
Thou to some lips of sweeter melody,
And I to nurse the barren memory


Hello Easy English Learner!! How do you do?!
Allright, Akhirnya penulis pada kesempatan ini ingin berbagi ilmu dengan sobat semua tentunyanya mengenai bahasa Inggris!! Nah pada postingan sebelumnya saya sudah berbagi tentang Kewajiban bagi para guru, Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris (kalo penasaran silahkan klik disini).

Selanjutnya, pada kesempatan ini, saya akan memulai dari dasar Bahasa Inggris! Tujuannya agar teman-teman Easy English Learner tidak akan pusing dengan tahapan selanjutnya, dan membangun fondasi yang kuat dalam memulai belajar bahasa Inggris.

Oke, langsung saja bahasan kali ini ialah tentang :


Sebagai sedikit gambaran, mari kita lihat gambar di bawah ini..:

PARTS OF SPEECH memberi penjelasan mengenai klasifikasi atau bagian-bagian kata dari sebuah Bahasa yang memiliki fungsi masing-masing dalam kebahasaan. Artinya, bahwa setiap kata tergantung dari fungsinya. Beberapa PARTS OF SPEECH diantaranya:  

1. The Noun
Noun merupakan kata benda yang didefinisikan sebagai "Name of person, animal, place or thing", artinya segala sesuatu yang kita namakan seseorang, binatang, benda, dsb.
Contoh Noun:
Name of Person: John, Budi, Ahmad, George, Laela, Ridwan, etc.
Name of thing : Book, chair, table, water, gas, milk, coffea, etc.

2. The Verb
Verb merupakan sebuah kata yang menunjukan sebuah aksi atau pekerjaan "to be a doing word" atau biasa kita kenal dengan predikat dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Contoh Verb:
Walk, write, read, eat, drink, swim, etc.

3. The Pronoun
Pronoun merupakan kata yang memiliki fungsi sebagi pengganti kata benda/ orang.
Contoh Pronoun:
He, she, it, etc.

4. The Adjective
Adjective merupakan kata yang memiliki fungsi menjelaskan Noun atau Pronoun.
Contoh Pronoun:
Sad, happy, good, clean, etc.

5. The Adverb
Adverb pada umumnya memiliki fungsi untuk menjelaskan Verb dan biasanya di bentuk dari Adjective.
Contoh Adverb:
Sadly, Suddenly, Here, etc.

6. Preposition
Preposition menunjukan sebuah hubungan antara satu dengan yang lainnya. Preposition juga melekat pada sebuah kata untuk menunjukan adanya sebuah hubungan dengan kata yang lainnya.
Contoh Preposition:
With, for, against, etc.

7. Conjunction
Conjunction  merupakan kata penghubung yang menghubungkan satu kata atau klausa.
Contoh Conjunction:
And, But, etc.

Parts of Speech  disini dimaksudkan agar para siswa dapat mengindentifikasi dan dapat menempatkan kata sesuai dengan fungsinya, terlebih dalam pembentukan sebuah kalimat.


At the previous post, I have already mentions about The Principle of Teaching Learning which talked about the principle of teaching (if you are interested about this post just click here), and Language Learning (if you are interested about this post just click here). This post would be talked about THE OBLIGATION OR A MUST FOR THE TEACHER BEFORE TEACHING.
Teaching is a process of giving information to the students from the teachers. The information must be true and shouldn't be fabricated. It means that the Teacher should responsible to the informations or knowledges which given to their students. Teaching also has a meaning to facilitate the students. Because teaching also means facilitating the learning process, there are some important factors that a teacher should prepare.

1. Master the teaching material (the Content)

Like I said before that the teacher should be responsible for the content of teaching. He / she must be 100% sure about what they are talking about and follow by the explanation that should be given to the students. In term of English teaching, the teacher must master every part of the material, or English skills (Grammar, Speech, etc) in order to prove their credibility on teaching, and also to make sure that the students have the right information.

2. Know how learning can best take place

The very principle that the teacher must covers: why do the students need to learn it? who are the students? what are the teaching points and steps to cover? When can they learn the lesson? How can they learn the lesson effectively?

3. Know how to measure learning achievement

This is an evaluation part. Every learning process should be ended by an evaluation to measure the students ability and to make sure what are steps that the teacher should takes in order to teach their students. There are three aspects involved in the evaluation:

a.    Have your students learned all the things expected in your plan?
b.    Is your plan or way of teaching effective?
c.    Have you as teacher played the required roles?

That's all that the teacher should pay attention. Considering the Elements of teaching, this Obligation should be covered by the teacher to make the teaching learning successful and effective.

Thank You.


Sebelumnya saya sudah post mengenai E-BOOK Gus Dur yang bisa sobat lihat disini. Selanjutnya saya akan memposting E-Book gratis yang agak lain.

Catatan Hitam Lima PresidenYang akan Anda baca ini memang bukan sesuatu yang manis. Buku ini tentu juga tidak ditujukan untuk menyenangkan setiap orang seperti cerita pengantar tidur. Di dalamnya memuat rekaman hitam sejarah yang boleh jadi belum pernah terungkap di media. ini adalah hasil penelusuran jurnalistik selama 10 tahun. Catatan yang tajam dan paling komprehensif yang membedah kegagalan demi kegagalan presiden kita dalam membawa Indonesia tinggal landas. Satu hal yang pasti ada solusi dan pencerahan yang ditawarkan sang penulis kepada kita dengan cara memberi gambaran apa adanya tentang tanah air tercinta. Setidaknya agar muncul ide-ide kreatif untuk menyelesaikannya.

ebook,                     498 pages
Published                January 2008 by Ufuk Publishing
original title            Catatan Hitam Lima Presiden Indonesia
ISBN                       9791238632 (ISBN13: 9789791238632)
edition language      Indonesian
Silahkan bagi yang ingin download tinggal klik link download dibawah ini.

Catatan Hitam Lima Presiden Indonesia


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

http://akbarfauzan.blogspot.com/2014/11/kumpulan-humor-gus-dur-di-internet.htmlSebelumnya saya sudah posting E-Book GRATIS tentang ILUSI NEGARA ISLAM oleh K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid. Kali ini para sobat blogger, saya akan posting lagi  tentang Kumpulan Humor ala Gusdur. Langsung saja sedot bagi yang berminat di bawah ini.

Langsung saja bagi yang ingin download silahkan klik link dibawah ini!

Download E-Book Kumpulan Humor GusDur


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Oke Pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbagi E-Book gratis yang ditulis oleh K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid. Langsung saja, sedot di bawah ini!


Informasi Bibliografi

Judul                          :  Ilusi negara Islam: ekspansi gerakan Islam transnasional di Indonesia
Pengarang                  : Abdurrahman Wahid
Penerbit                      : Wahid Institute, 2009, Asli dari Universitas Michigan
Didigitalkan               : 26 Ags 2009
ISBN                          : 9799873770, 9789799873774
Tebal                           : 321 halaman

 Langsung saja bagi yang mau download E-Book nya klik link di bawah ini:

Download Free E-Book




Language Learning

In earlier post, I have posted about the Principle of Teaching Learning which talked about the teaching as the optimization medium in improving student’s quality and learning as the process of the human to be a human.

In this article I would like to post about the Language Learning especially English Language as the international language.

The purpose of the language is to provide the people to communicate to others people. It means that language is becomes a tool that connect to others people as a communication. Language is a human need which necessary as a media in interaction among people. Because of that, in Language learning students should be participated actively. In others words, it should involve experiencing. The students need practice and experience the use of the language in a range of situations. Because Language Learning should involves experience to the students, so it should cover cultural issues, emotions, social, and all aspects of life.

There are three principles that suitable with Language Learning, they are:

I hear, I forget

I see, I remember

I do, I understand

As the purpose of the language itself, the language as the communication tool so it is related to the speaking ability as the function of the language. The process of speaking is described as Penner (1984) stated that the oral or written communication processes are included:

1)    The communication source;
2)    The message;
3)    The encoder (encoding is done through language expression);
4)    The channel or medium;
5)    The decoder (used by the receiver to understand the message); and
6)    The person who receives the communication.

English as one of the acknowledge language around the world is something that should be mastered now a days. The complexity of English is one of the problems that struggle the students in learning English especially for the Second Language Learner. In order to master English, the students considering these elements in order to make it use effectively:

⦁    Speaking Ability;
⦁    Reading Ability;
⦁    Writing Ability; and
⦁    Listening Ability.


Do you notice something?
That this scenario has been being played over and over
Till now, until we breath right now
Do you notice?!

Do you notice if you and i was just played
By him? Or by her? Or maybe by them?
This sadness was flowed for along time
Could you? Could you notice?


Can you feel it?
This feeling was hurt me for thousand mile you walked
Can you feel it? This tear? Be drown out the blood?
Please tell me! If you could! But…. i know you can’t

 Now the sun rises at the night
Try to warm us who suffer because of your greedy
Try to make us be better
Although, it impossible to make it right

Now, close your eyes, it won’t happen again
Never ever again
I promise you
Take a bed, and sleep well forever

Created by: Akbar Fauzan


Free sex

Banyak yang bilang bila pergaulan remaja saat ini sudah sangat jauh berubah dibanding pada masa-masa sepuluh tahun silam. Remaja sekarang lebih mampu berekspresi pada emosi dan mengungkapkan perasaan tanpa sembunyi-sembunyi dan malu seperti dulu.
Sudah lumrah saat ini kita melihat remaja mengungkapkan kemarahan, sedih dan kegembiraanya dengan kata-kata yang terucap secara langsung, tanpa basa-basi seperti halnya remaja pada zaman dahulu. Dengan santai mereka bisa mengungkapkan ketidak sukaanya pada ayah atau pun ibunya.
Merangkul dan mencium mesra ibu mereka tercinta. Perilaku ini pun diterapkan pada pergaulan mereka sehari-hari. Dengan biasa mereka mengexpresikan perasaan cinta dan sayang pada pacar mereka di tempat-tempat umum. Sudah umum dilihat saat ini bila di mall-mall para remaja biasa bergandengan tangan, berpelukan bahkan berciuman.
Buat para orang tua, perilaku seperti ini sangat mengejutkan dan membuat mereka merasa kuatir. Namun, seringkali para orang tua lupa, bahwa saat mereka remaja, perilaku mereka pun sering membuat kecut hati para orang tua mereka sendiri!
Namun, apabila orang tua terlalu keras akibat perasaan kuatir yang mereka miliki, maka remaja akan cenderung memberontak dan bersikap jauh lebih keras dan pertikaian antara orang tua dan anak pun tidak dapat lagi dihindari.
Remaja bergaul memang adalah sebuah kebutuhan. Sama halnya dengan dahaga yang ingin terpuaskan. Mereka ingin mengenal banyak orang dari berbagai lingkungan. Ini sebetulnya tidak terlepas dari proses pencarian jati diri semata. Dengan membebaskan perasaan dan isi hati, mereka juga mengharapkan kebebasan dan ketenangan jiwa. Bila dikekang, mereka nampak begitu sedih dan terkekang.
Tapi bila pergaulan terlalu dibebaskan, juga sangat mengkuatirkan. Yang penting berkomunikasi dan terarah. Bilamana sang remaja masih mampu berkomunikasi dengan keluarga dan orang tua, maka bimbingan untuk pergaulan pun dapat tersampaikan. Informasi tentang apa yang sebaiknya mereka lakukan dengan teman-teman dan apa efek dari apa yang mere lalukan dan perbuat juga perlu dikomunikasikan.
Dengan demikian, besar harapan kita agar remaja mampu memilih apa yang baik dan tidak untuk dilakukan. Tidak ada kata benar atau salah, tapi lebih tepat kepada yang baik atau bermanfaat dan yang merugikan.


Belajar bahasa inggris bagi sebagian orang merupakan sesuatu yang menakutkan, atau dibenci. Akan tetapi, perkembangan zaman sudah sangat cepat, tanpa menghiraukan diri kita sebagai objek dan subjek pendidikan. 
Learning English

Dunia sudah semakin terasa dekat, didukung dengan berbagai teknologi yang canggih saat ini, memungkinkan manusia beribu kilometer jauhnya dapat tetap berkomunikasi. Masalahnya adalah perbedaan bahasa yang menjadi inti dari komunikasi. Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa Internasional merupakan salah satu jalan keluar untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut diatas. Karena, di berbagai penjuru dunia, sudah sejak lama mengadopsi bahasa Inggris ini menjadi bahasa kedua mereka.

Maka, tidak dapat kita pungkiri lagi, betapa pentingnya belajar bahasa, apakah itu Bahasa Inggris atau yang lainnya.

Selanjutnya, ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan sebelum memulai belajar bahasa, diantaranya: 

Basic English

  1. The first thing that you need in the beginning is have a good vocabulary!
  2. Start with a strong foundation!
  3. You must view English as a part of your body!
  4. It must become a part of your everyday life! such as daily practice!
  5. Do not worry about making mistakes. the more mistakes you make, the more you will learn from them.
  6. No pain.. No gain
  7. Two most important words to remember when learning English are PRACTICE and CONFIDENCE!

Apabila semua point diatas sudah bisa dijalankan dan dipecahkan, maka anda siap untuk memulai belajar bahasa inggris! Terutama point nomor pertama!

Selanjutnya.. sampai bertemu kembali di sesi selanjutnya!!

Please add your comment for this blog improvement.


Language Learning
Days after days, English becomes more important than we have expected. Every jobs and opportunities are limited with the requirement of English proficiency. The learning that should be covered by the students is not enough to fulfill the world's need, especially at junior and senior high school only.  That means formal education is not quite enough in developing student ability especially in English. It should be supported by informal educational institutions, or non-formal education to maximize the effect on the students itself. 


Teaching is a process of transferring knowledge, skills and expected behavior set in a well-structured program. And the most important thing is to change the attitude or manner of the students. This is the hardest part for the teacher as the agent of change.
The teacher has varieties of role depending on the situation and the lesson that the teacher teaches. Although in fact the teacher should cover all the roles to manipulate the classroom to be an effective classroom and encourage the students to maximize their ability. 

In the speaking classroom, at least there are three particular relevance roles that a teacher should cover to make the students speak fluently Harmer (2001: 275-276), they are:

a.    Prompter

There are many conditions that could happen in the classroom as the teachers used their method in teaching learning activity. The students lose their words to speak, cannot think any further, do not have any idea that support their arguments, miss pronunciation or some other way losing their fluency. It is clear that the role of teacher as prompter would help the students in their stuck condition in their activity in the classroom. The most important that it could loose the sense of stress that the students may feel when they would face a serious problem in their activity.

b.    Participant
The teacher could act as the participant who helps the students inside of the students. It would be a good idea when the teachers are giving their additional information to support the discussion or the role-play of the students has. In that way the teacher could prompt the students covertly, encouraging the students to actively involved in the classroom. However, in some terms, the teachers should not dominate the activity itself which could be drawing all the students’ attention to the teachers.  

c.    Feedback Provider 

Harmer (2001: 276) stated the vexed question of when and how to give feedback in speaking activities is answered by considering carefully the effect of possible different approaches. It reflects that the result of the teaching learning activity is depending on the teacher respond to the varieties activities that students do in the classroom. 
Education Cycle

Learning is a process of change from one mental setting into another. In a simple way, it not only makes the people know, understand or do the lessons but also change their behavior and their manner expected from the set program. Learning can be optimized by the present of the teacher who makes the learning more effective, although learning could be done without it and could be achieve everywhere, anywhere, anytime. In contrary, teacher could not stand alone without its’ learners. 

As the explanation above, although the learners could learn anything and everywhere, it still needs a teacher to guide him, because the purpose of learning is not only the knowledge, but also behavior or manner. The teacher must be able to help the learning process happen and make it more effective. Therefore, teaching becomes ineffective when at the end of the class students have not achieved any learning.

Harmer, Jeremy. 2001. The Practice of English Language Teaching. NY: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.